This ministry is one of the key ministries in CBC. A number of ministries come together to make our guest feel at home and know that they our special guests of honour.
Step 1. You are welcome at the reception by a team of ushers, given a name tag and assisted to find a comfortable place.
Step 2. You receive a welcome via a voice over message
Step 3. The Pastor to invite Church to join her to welcome you
Step 4. Before the message of the day, you are presented with the ministry gift of the day
Step 5. After service you are invited and ushered to join the pastors for brief introductions, prayer and refreshments. (Complete visitors form, and get the Apostle and concierge’s business cards)
Step 6. The concierge team walk you out and invite you to contact them should you require any assistance.
Step 7. An appreciation call.